Canada Health Alliance

More Frightening News about Fertility and the mRNA Shots, This Time from Singapore

Alex Berenson

… in a few weeks in June and July 2021, nearly every Singaporean adult between 20-39 – childbearing age, essentially – received their first Covid vaccine jab.

… The incredibly rapid uptake of vaccines among young Singaporean adults offers a natural experiment in the effect of mRNA shots on fertility. (Roughly 98 percent of all the jabs Singapore gave were mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna. Chinese vaccines used traditional inactivated virus technology made up the rest.)

… Singapore began mass mRNA vaccinations of women (and men) of childbearing age in June 2021; March 2022 is exactly nine months later. 

In March, the increase in births abruptly reversed. Between March and June 2022 – the most recent month for which figures are available – Singapore has recorded about 1,000 fewer live births compared to 2021, a decline of 8.5 percent. The drop has been consistent each month.

… A 16 percent shift in birth rates practically overnight is, to say the least, highly unusual.

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