Canada Health Alliance

Naturally-acquired Immunity Dynamics Against SARS-CoV-2 in Children and Adolescents

Tal Patalon et al.

There are paucity of studies examining naturally acquired immunity against SARS- CoV-2 in children and adolescents, though they are generally the last group to be afforded the vaccine, and a significant portion of them are still unvaccinated. This study examined the duration of protection conferred by a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst children and adolescents.

… Overall, children and adolescents who were previously infected acquired durable protection against reinfection (symptomatic or not) with SARS-CoV-2 for at least 18 months. Importantly, no COVID-19 related deaths were recorded in either the SARS- CoV-2 naïve group or the previously infected group.

… Policy decision makers should consider when and if convalescent children and adolescents should be vaccinated.

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