Canada Health Alliance

New Canadian Bill Would Let Doctors Euthanize Patients Who Signed Up to Die Years in Advance

David Cooke

Saskatchewan Senator and former news broadcast icon, Pamela Wallin, is offering Canadians an unthinkable choice in her newly tabled Bill S-248. It is the choice to allow a doctor or nurse to kill you in the future.

Under Bill S-248, if you are ill or disabled, you can sign an advanced directive that authorizes your healthcare provider to act as Grim Reaper once they determine you are incapacitated. Your death will be in their hands – and you can’t change your mind!

It’s already a tragedy that Canada allows those who are disabled or sick to choose to be killed by euthanasia. It’s already a scandal that we would give doctors and nurses the power to murder their own patients. But for Senator Wallin to propose allowing doctors to murder their patients at some future date – when they lose the capacity to object or change their minds, it takes the evil of euthanasia to a whole new, satanic depth.

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