There Is No Basis for the FDA to Authorize Covid Vaccines For Toddlers

Ian Miller

In a historically embarrassing decision, the FDA recently became the only international regulatory body to authorize the use of mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer for children aged six months to five years.

For the overwhelming majority of young children and toddlers, there is likely no justification or need for this concerning authorization.

They are at vanishingly small risk of serious complications from COVID, meaning that the risk-benefit calculation is precarious at best, and potentially negative at worst.

… It’s yet another terrifying indicator of just how politically motivated the FDA has become, and how activism has distorted intellectual honesty.

“Experts” are so desperate to maintain their reputations and avoid being labeled an “anti- vaxxer” by influencers like Eric Feigl-Ding, Angela Rasmussen and others that they appear to be unwilling to call out flaws in the decision making process.

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