‘SMART Cities’ Worldwide Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps,’ Says Ex-Silicon Valley Engineer Turned Whistleblower

Before you can break out of the matrix, you need to know that you live in a matrix, and that involves recognizing the tentacles of the matrix gaining a stranglehold on your life.

Most of us spend way too much time focused on the wrong things. We talk endlessly about what’s go- ing on in Washington when we’ve invited the beast system right into our homes, even get it injected into our own bodies. We place ourselves on a path to destruction out of fear, lack of information (ignorance) and lack of discernment.

… We must recognize that these are the very same tools and products that make our busy 21st century lives so convenient, so efficient and entertaining. And so we buy them on cue, we upgrade them on cue, we hand over our biometric data on cue, until one day we will wake up and realize we have convenienced ourselves and entertained ourselves right into a digital gulag from which there is no escape.

… What Jabbi is describing in the above video is an extremely invasive technology being set up in SMART Cities – from license-plate readers to SMART Lights and SMART Poles to SMART cars and SMART neighborhoods, SMART homes and SMART appliances – all connected to 5G and wirelessly communi- cating with each other.

If you pay attention, you will see hundreds of these LED light poles lining streets and highways and in many cases they are retro tted with surveillance cameras and speakers for listening. Jabbi also talks about drones charging stations being set up and how drones might be weaponized against citizens.

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