Canada Health Alliance

Solving the Puzzle of Fibromyalgia

Stephen Byrnes

The pains and symptoms of fibromyalgia have no known, discernible cause, but a number of theories have been put forward. Brain imbalances, chronic infection with candida albicans and other fungi, anemia, parasites (including protozoans like giardia), hypoglycemia, hypo-thyroidism, hepatitis, and heavy metal poisoning, including mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings, have all been proposed, either singly or in combination.

Due to the multiple factors involved, each case needs to be approached differently and all causes need to be investigated. Healing a person with fibromyalgia is like peeling an onion: each layer removed reveals another obstacle to be dealt with. As with all effective therapy, the uniqueness of each individual case must be kept in mind.

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