Canada Health Alliance

Study: 5G Causes Microwave Syndrome

Environmental Health Trust

First Study so Far: 5G Causes the Microwave Syndrome

The first ever study of the health effects of 5G radiation on humans shows that 5G causes typical symptoms of microwave syndrome as well as a massive increase in microwave radiation. The case study also confirms once again that radiation well below levels allowed by the authorities causes ill health.

Measurements before and after the installation of 5G on the roof showed that 5G caused a massive increase in radiation in the apartment. Before 5G, there were already base stations for 3G or 4G in the same place directly above the apartment, but switching to 5G technology led to an increase in radiation from 9,000 microW / m2 to a maximum of 1,690,000 microW / m2.

The symptoms that occurred in the man and woman after the start of 5G are typical of the microwave syndrome: fatigue, difficulty sleeping. emotional impact, nosebleeds, increasing tinnitus and skin problems in the man. The woman had more symptoms than the man with severe sleep disorders and dizziness, followed by skin problems (burning sensation, tingling in the skin of the hands and arms), concentration problems, irritability, tinnitus, balance problems, impaired short-term memory, confusion, fatigue, tendency to depression, heart and lung symptoms (palpitations, heaviness over the chest) and feeling of warmth in the body. All symptoms decreased or disappeared completely after 24 hours after moving to another home with significantly lower radiation.

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