Canada Health Alliance

Synthetic Biology – The Future of Food?

Environmental Health Symposium

While we were distracted with Covid-19, lockdowns, mask mandates, and other conundrums, manufacturers of artificial food were busy at work creating the “new food economy.” Since the strategy for getting pesticide-intensive GMO crops onto your plate or your backyard is failing (see Kellogg Commits to Phasing Out Glyphosate by 2025 and Bayer to Remove Glyphosate from Lawn & Garden Roundup Products ) the world of evermore frightening fake foods is moving boldly forward.

Called “synbio” (short for synthetic biology), this new technology promises foods that are “planet-friendly, low-input, low-carbon, methane-free, heart-healthy, high fiber, plant-based” through a technology that can create everything from honey to lobster, cheese, milk, chicken, and beef simply from “plants.”

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