Canada Health Alliance

Tautopathy for Safely Clearing and Detoxing Vaccines, Drugs and Chemicals

Homeopathy for Women

Blockages to health can occur after the exposure to vaccinations, antibiotics, birthing drugs, chemicals, environmental toxins, medications, birth control pills, etc.

… Tautopathy is not exactly the same as homeopathy. It is not based on the homeopathic Law of Similars. Instead is it an exact detoxification – we would look at it as “same cures same” instead of “like cures like”, as in classical homeopathy. Tautopathic remedies are proven the same way homeopathic medicines are and they are used in practice based on the principles of homeopathy, by trained homeopaths. Tautopathy is an additional and powerful tool for the homeopaths to use in difficult cases in order to remove blocks from the vaccine or drug toxins and improve overall health and wellness.

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