The Experiments of Masaru Emoto with Emotional Printing of Water

M. Pitkänen

Masaru Emoto has carried out very interesting experiments with water at critical point for freezing. He claims that words expressing emotions have effect on the crystals formed in the process. Emoto reports that words with positive emotional contents produce beautiful crystals and those with negative emotional content generate ugly ones. Also music and even pictures are reported to have similar effect. Emoto has also experimented with rice in water and claims that the words with positive emotions content induce a metabolic process known as fermentation whereas those with negative emotional content tend to induce rottening. The experiments can be certainly criticized and people calling themselves skeptics have reacted violently to these claims. TGD inspired theory of consciousness and quantum biology suggests the presence of just this kind of effects and therefore one can make the working hypothesis that the effects are real, and see what the TGD based explanation for them could be.

In the sequel I will consider the working hypothesis that the effects are real, and develop an explanation based on TGD inspired quantum biology.

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