Canada Health Alliance

The Redox Rx: How to Improve Your Redox Potential

Jack Kruse

Water is life’s battery, collagen is the wire that connects the negative and positive charge within the battery, and the sun’s light is the constant energy source for the water battery to recharge.

… An environment with a “low redox potential” means electrons have a weak-charged environment.  Non-native EMF is an example of an environment that lowers the cells charged state or redox potential.  In a weak, electron-charged environment, genetic expression fails because either DNA base pairs unravel or unwanted molecules stick to DNA sequences.  Since the frequency of DNA vibration determines the informational coherence of energy transmissions, stuck-on molecules dampen DNA’s directions like a wad of chewing gum stuck to a tuning fork.

Water’s exclusion zone (EZ) absorbs UV radiation best in the 270 nm range of frequency.  This also happens to be where DNA absorbs the electromagnetic spectrum best as well.  This is no coincidence.  This is how the redox potential directly alters epigenetic expression.

When DNA molecules become crippled, transmission of cellular communications is garbled and inaccurate. You might begin to see why cancer and autoimmunity are really linked now.  In fact, the production of enzymes and hormones that carry out DNA’s instructions begins to go haywire to cause disease. Many get fooled into believing it is a food-only story because of observation only.  Altered redox chemistry is the root of all illness; it is due to a lack of energy and chronic oxidative stress that is not curbed.

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