Vitamin D Supplementation: Panacea or Potential Problem?

Pam Schoenfeld

Vitamin D blood testing and oral supplementation have become an almost routine part of conventional medical care.

Unfortunately, the results of a vitamin D blood test do not always reflect the true picture of an individual’s vitamin D status, and whether or not supplementation is warranted and in what amount.

There is a growing concern that the trend to aim for higher blood levels of vitamin D is not supported by the scientific evidence, and over time may contribute to calci cation of the arteries, kidney stones and other health problems.

Various agency guidelines differ as to the optimum amount of dietary vitamin D. There are a number of limitations to testing, and interpretations of vitamin D levels are presented. Serum levels of 30ng/mL are adequate for preventing bone loss.

Vitamins A, D and K2 work synergistically. Rich dietary sources of all three vitamins can enhance their health benefits while simultaneously eliminating both the need for testing and concern for potential over-supplementation.

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