Canada Health Alliance

Warp Speed Training of Medical Professionals

Byran W. Bridle

A question was raised about how to deal with the burn-out and general shortage of medical professionals. Dr. Kieran Moore, Medical Officer of Health for the province of Ontario, Canada, contributes to the answer starting at 59\32.

… Apparently, announcements about how the government will be addressing these issues will be forthcoming. However, in this video clip, Dr. Moore has provided highlights of what he sees as the best way to move forward…

  1. Shorten the time to get into medical school.
  2. Shorten the duration of medical and nursing training.
  3. Shorten residencies (post-graduate hands-on learning; like an apprenticeship).

Do we really want to run our future physicians and nurses through warp speed-like training programs? Would these be the people that we want looking after a population whose average age and concomitant health problems are rising?

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