Canada Health Alliance

What Do They Want to Put Into Our Water Now?

Lucy Crisetig

… Fluoride is a highly toxic substance. The FDA now requires a poison warning on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. – yet it’s still available.

Tens of millions of people throughout China and India now suffer serious crippling bone diseases from drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.

Although fluoride advocates have claimed for years the safety of fluoride in dentistry is exhaustively documented and “beyond debate,” the Chairman of the National Research Council’s (NRC) comprehensive fluoride review, Dr. John Doull, has stated that: “when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began.”

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