Canada Health Alliance

What Makes All Vaccines So Dangerous?

A Midwestern Doctor

In the past, unless you were a parent who lost a child to SIDS, deaths from vaccines were typically not an issue of immediate concern. However, now that the spike protein vaccines are triggering the emergence of sudden adult death syndrome, this has become an issue that affects everyone. Because of this, I believe an exploration of how vaccines can cause sudden death is important.

… Almost all colloidal systems in nature depend the mutual repulsion of negative charges, and as a result, each requires a zeta potential that is negative enough to outweigh the attractive forces that are always present. Thus, as zeta potential moves to zero, agglomeration onsets, while as zeta potential becomes more negative, colloidal stability increases (Knisely’s consistent grading scale for blood sludging in the eyes was a re ection of how blood cells behaved at each zeta potential). Colloidal stability is critical for the body, so almost every surface inside the body is negatively charged to maintain a negatively charged colloidal system (for example see this paper on red blood cells and note that the source of their zeta potential is also what the spike protein preferentially binds within the glycocalyx).

… Vaccinations consistently contain many agents which are excellent at reducing the zeta potential of the body, particularly since aluminum, the most effective agent for reducing zeta potential is also the most widely used immune-stimulating vaccine adjuvant (I believe this is the reason why aluminum is such an effective adjuvant as attacking the zeta potential is a common characteristic of most pathogenic organisms and hence a likely trigger for the innate immune system). Moulden thus realized alterations in zeta potential could explain many of the injuries resulting from microstrokes he was seeing.

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