Canada Health Alliance

Zinc and Respiratory Viral Infections: Important Trace Element in Anti-viral Response and Immune Regulation

Fatemeh Sadeghsoltani et al.

Influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and SARS-COV2 are among the most dangerous respiratory viruses. Zinc is one of the essential micronutrients and is very important in the immune system. The aim of this narrative review is to review the most interesting findings about the importance of zinc in the anti-viral immune response in the respiratory tract and defense against influenza, RSV, and SARS-COV2 infections … Zinc can be effective in reducing the duration of viral pneumonia symptoms. Zinc may enhance the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in reducing mortality rate in COVID- 19 patients. Besides, zinc has a positive effect in preventing ARDS and ventilator-induced lung damage.

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