Canada Health Alliance

Let’s Set the Record Straight! Traumatic Tissue Injury Treated with Homeopathic Arnica Montana – An Injury Therapist’s Perspective

Francesca Charlton

Here we look at studies that involved the use of both Homeopathic Arnica Montana (AM) dilution creams and the ingestion of AM as a dilution. For acute injuries where there is clearly the tearing of bodily tissue resulting in the release of the associated biochemical reaction, the studies shown positive results when using Homeopathic AM. Whereas studies that have concentrated on the use of AM for DOMS (delay onset of muscles soreness) in other words muscles that have been ‘worked hard’ are not positive. Since the development of more sensitive technology we are now able to see the effect of Homeopathy on molecules and DNA allowing us to also look at some new evidence regarding the effect of AM at this deeper level.

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