Canada Health Alliance

MPs Vote to Order Release of Canada’s COVID Vaccine Contracts Despite Pfizer’s Objections


Despite executives pleading otherwise, Canadian MPs in the House of Commons public accounts committee have voted to mandate the Department of Public Works hand over the country’s clandestine COVID-19 vaccine contracts with Pfizer for investigation. 

… Canada’s Department of Health signed multiple COVID vaccine contracts in 2021 and 2022 with seven different manufacturers. Those seven included AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Medicago, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and Sanofi.  

After a back and forth with executives, MPs voted that Canada’s public works department must hand over all the contracts for scrutiny.  

The contracts would only be allowed to be viewed by the 11 members of the public accounts committee, behind closed doors with no access to electronic devices or even written notes. 

Despite these embargo conditions, Pfizer executives claimed that certain secret items in the contracts should never be seen by any MP. 

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