Canada Health Alliance

Newly released Internal Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine adverse event surveillance report reveals millions of adverse events, significant portion classified as serious.

The Canadian Independent

As more and more Pfizer documents are being released, this particular one stands out as the most alarming to date. The 393-page Pfizer (BNT162B2) COVID-19 vaccine post-marketing surveillance report covers a six-month period from December 19, 2021, to June 18, 2022. The report includes over 10,000 different categories of adverse events.

… According to Pfizer’s own report, there were a cumulative total of 72,695 reports of serious COVID-19 cases among vaccinated individuals, in contrast to 3,317 reports categorized as non-serious. This data indicates that, based on their own findings, a higher number of vaccinated individuals experienced severe episodes of COVID-19 compared to nonserious cases.

Image: Guido Hofmann @ Unsplash

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