Canada Health Alliance

Nothing is More Natural Than Pregnancy Without mRNA or Spike Protein

Peter McCullough

The wonderous biologic process of reproduction is the most natural and profound aspect of human biology. Over the millennia, all organisms have developed methods of reproduction that are self-sustaining and robust. We rely upon these principles in obstetrics to allow for the most natural birth possible while providing safety for mother and child. Only the oldest and tried and true products that we have a well-established and tested safety profile in pregnancy are allowed.

… The COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers with the US FDA excluded pregnant women and women of childbearing potential from being studied in randomized trials because of maternal-fetal risks with lipid nanoparticles, mRNA, and PEG.

… Despite this warning, the CDC/FDA COVID-19 vaccination program violated that regulatory standard and, at first gently and later with much force, strongly encouraged pregnant women to take risks and accept one of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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