Canada Health Alliance

Novavax Vaccine Contains 1 mcg of Insect (the Fall Armyworm) and Baculovirus Proteins and a Bit of Their DNA Too, Which is Injected into You with Each Dose

Meryl Nass

You see, the vaccine’s spike protein is grown by genetically engineering baculoviruses to produce spike, and then infecting insect cells with the baculovirus to turn the whole thing into a spike protein factory.

… The fact that no fetal cells were used in its development was claimed to be a marketing plus. However, thanks to a reader, it turns out that a human fetal cell line, (HEK) 293F, was used in the testing of the vaccine, as described in an article in Science.

… the adjuvant, Matrix-M (a nonspecific, potent immune stimulant) has never been used before. 

… The problem is that we don’t know what extracts from the tree are included in Matrix-M. The information is proprietary! 

… the Novavax vaccine is not sufficiently purified. And no one can tell you how the insect and viral protein and DNA contaminants will affect you.

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