Canada Health Alliance

Vaccine-Injured People, Along with Doctors and Lawyers, Speak Out Against Canada’s Covid Mandates

Vitality Magazine

Canadians injured by COVID-19 vaccines were among those who reported their tragic stories to a three-day Citizens’ Hearing in June of this year. The hearing was organized by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA), a group that includes over 600 independent Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners who are not connected with government or pharmaceutical companies.

… The first day of the hearing also brought those who said they were impacted by masks.

… Day 2 focused on those who took the vaccine and experienced adverse events.

… Day 3 of the hearing heard from small business owners on their struggles, but also their creativity. As well, four politicians talked about what they learned from their constituents and how they tried to help.

Although there was some discussion of solutions, the main focus of the hearing was to listen and document. The immediate and critical next step is for more people to learn of the hearing, so all were encouraged to share the hearing with their family, friends, and fellow Canadians and residents.

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