Canada Health Alliance

The Experience of Forced Masking from a Child’s Perspective


Of all the many various pandemic abominations – and there is no shortage to choose from – the victimization of children stands above the rest as a uniquely horrific defilement of fundamental human virtue and conscience … Somehow, it has become normalized not only to institutionalize grotesque child abuse, but to go so far as to exclusively target children even as the adults were largely set free from the yoke of various oppressive torments inflicted under the aegis of the Orwellian regime of “public health”.

… The incongruency between the reality of child masking and how it appears enabled people to be easily brainwashed and block out what would otherwise be an instinctive empathy and sense of gross violation of basic right and wrong.

There are three basic reasons why there is this disconnect between the objective inhumanity of child masking and its superficially far more ‘benign’ appearance to people.

The first reason is that the emotional and psychological torment of masking is not something that is easily articulated …

The second reason is that children express a level of discomfort that does not reflect the magnitude of the damage and torment suffered …

The third reason is that it is incredibly difficult for people to accept that a ‘civilized’ society could possibly fall for and engage in scientifically irrational or morally depraved behavior as a society …  

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