Canada Health Alliance

COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

Robin Wakeling

The complex 2D structures observed in microscopic images of COVID-19 vaccine samples has raised concerns about the presence of graphene oxide. However, the presence of 2D crystalline structures per se are probably not signatures of graphene oxide but are signatures of something else, something more profound perhaps.

… 2D is a quasi-term because even a single layer of GO has a thickness, its third dimension. However, crystal structure and concomitant crystal shape is not necessarily predetermined by the inherent physiochemical properties of the substance(s) that form them. Sometimes, it is largely the nature of the environment that determines crystal shape.

… Perhaps the appearance of these remarkable 2D structures during the COVID debacle, may in part be linked to some of the remarkable discoveries and theories of Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Robert Lanza and others?

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