Canada Health Alliance

Suspend All COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines until Side-effects are Fully Investigated, Says Leading Doctor who Promoted them on TV

Will Jones

Leading doctors have joined a call to suspend all COVID-19 mRNA vaccines until serious side-effects are fully investigated and the raw trial data from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial are released for independent analysis to help determine the true benefits and potential harms for different age groups.

Writing in the peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance, one of the U.K.’s most eminent Consultant Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on Good Morning Britain on TV, says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events has changed.

In a two-part research paper entitled “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine”, real-world data reveal that in the non-elderly population the number needed to vaccinate to prevent one death from COVID-19 runs into thousands and that re-analysis of randomised controlled trial data (that first led to approval of the vaccines for Pfizer and Moderna) suggests a greater risk of suffering a serious adverse event from the vaccine than being hospitalised with COVID-19.

Quick links:

Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines through Real Evidence-based Medicine – Part 1

Curing the Pandemic of Misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines through Real Evidence-based Medicine – Part 2

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