Canada Health Alliance

These 2 Antibodies Could Neutralize All COVID Strains, Scientists Say

Joseph Mercola

Two antibodies have been uncovered that are so effective at neutralizing COVID-19 — and all of its variants — that they believe the antibodies could serve as an “effective substitute for vaccines.”

The antibodies — TAU-1109 and TAU-2310 — bind to a different area of the spike protein than other antibodies, one that doesn’t undergo many mutations.

TAU-1109 is 92% effective at neutralizing the omicron strain and 90% effective at neutralizing the delta strain.

TAU-2310 has an efficacy rate of 84% at neutralizing omicron and a 97% efficacy rate against the delta variant.

The researchers believe that with effective antibody treatment, “we will not have to provide booster doses to the entire population every time there is a new variant.”

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