Canada Health Alliance

An Independent Biosecurity Risk Assessment on the Current Experimental Mass Vaccination Campaign

Jonathan Weissman

All the risks listed in the executive summary are described in this risk assessment. Through citing academic experts in internationally recognised peer-reviewed journals or recent preprints, actual pathologies and epidemiological phenomena underpinning these risks are provided. The risks vary in scope from the individual to the entire population. The risks also vary in severity. Most are at least severe, whilst some are critical, some potentially threatening the majority of the population. None of these risks can be discounted at this stage since all the gene therapy vaccines deployed are experimental, with the novel mRNA vaccines in clinical trials until 2022 (Moderna) and 2023 (Pfizer).

… All attempts to silence those warning of the foolhardiness of this strategy are reprehensible, to some it may even seem to be unforgivable. The use of social engineering and coercion to influence people to enlist against their will in an unprecedented genetic experiment is immoral to the point of criminal. Targeting children in the very same manner is yet more morally outrageous.

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