Canada Health Alliance

CDC and FDA Must Heed Evidence on Contraindications in the Immunocompromised and Revisit Possible Vaccine-Induced Disease Enhancement

James Lyons-Weiler

In April, 2022, a landmark study, “High viral loads: what drives fatal cases of COVID-19 in vaccinees? – an autopsy study” was published in Modern Pathology – a Nature group journal – by Klaus Hirschbühl and colleagues.

The study found that vaccinated people who are immunocompromised are at a much higher risk of more severe COVID-19 upon infection.

The study goals were to determine the causes of death, histological organ alteration, and viral spread deceased individuals with proven SARS-CoV-2 infection after vaccination who died between January and November 2021.

The authors considered a number of factors, including demographic, clinical-pathological, viral variants, and vaccine types for twenty-nine deaths. These were compared to unvaccinated control cases.

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