Canada Health Alliance

Chemtrail Syndrome: A Global Pandemic of Epic Proportions

The Health Coach

For those who are aware that they have been exposed to this planetary scourge, now is the time to understand the profound correlations between your day-to-day health status and the incidence/intensity of regular chemtrailing of the skies overhead.

… The numerous anecdotal and clinical observations which follow are the product of various healthcare professionals and practitioners, homeowners and homemakers, businessmen and businesswomen, farmers and meteorologists, etc.

… When any number of chemtrail symptoms are experienced by an individual, it is now appropriate to explore the possibility that they are experiencing Chemtrail syndrome. There is not at this time a specific threshold or certain standard by which the syndrome is said to occur. The various chemtrail formulations are too numerous and often unknown to create a definitive set of chemical contaminations which must be present to constitute the syndrome.

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