Canada Health Alliance

COVID-19 Vaccination Would Be More Hazardous Then Disease Itself in 30 Out of 58 Countries

Jongsung Oh, Munhee Jeon, Ki-Yeob Jeon

Peoples of 30 countries, who were in the low-risk of less than 4 deaths/100,000/6 weeks, among 58 countries or 44.8% of 5.8 billion may not need to take COVID-19 vaccines because they have much lower probability of dying of COVID-19 than of dying of COVID-19 vaccinations. It is noteworthy that most of the countries in the low- risk group have been using HCQ in the early stage of management of COVID-19 patients. Even the countries grouped as high-risk can reduce their COVID-19 death rates if they adopt using HCQ and/ or ivermectin and/or Exo-CD24 in the prevention and treatment of the COVID-19, and when the death rate changed, then the policy of COVID-19 vaccination should be changed.

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