Canada Health Alliance

Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS)

Updated: June 2, 2022

1. There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times. We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies.  

2. Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers.

3. Children and young people are dying and suffering particularly cardiac injuries (though many healthy elderly have died too), whilst their risk from covid-19 is particularly low. We believe we are being lied to. We present many cases halfway down this post.

4. We appeal AGAIN to the Police, headed by Andrew Coster, and our MPs, to intervene to protect the People.

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