Canada Health Alliance

Disease Madness – What is Happening? Part 3

Dawn Lester

In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I discussed the complete lack of evidence for the existence of ‘pathogenic agents’ of any description and the efforts of the medical establishment to promote vaccines as the only way to prevent what are erroneously referred to as ‘infectious diseases’.

In this 3rd and final part of the series, I will expand the discussion to include a few of the other aspects of the ‘agenda’ as exemplified by the UN document entitled The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, also known as the 2030 Agenda or ‘Global Goals’. Although published in 2015, the 2030 Agenda does not represent a new ‘plan’; instead, it is best described as an updated and extended version of previous ‘plans’; especially Agenda 21.

It is important for people to recognise that these grandiose ‘plans’ have a very specific purpose, which is to persuade everyone that ‘intervention’ is absolutely essential and that the proposed measures, which are based on the findings of various ‘experts’, possess the ability to genuinely solve all our problems. It is therefore essential for the planners that everyone believes in their ‘plans’ and agrees to and supports the implementation of the proposed interventions.

Link to Part 1:

Link to Part 2:

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