Canada Health Alliance

Excess Deaths Contradict Narrative of Success

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom

Microsoft Word – 2022-09-03 Excess Deaths Contradict Narrative of Success_LN5[27].docx

New data on excess deaths suggests that Government responses to Covid have not been successful.

Canadian federal and provincial governments, health agencies, and media organizations are now assessing the quality and efficacy of the Canadian response to the Covid pandemic. The prevailing consensus is that the Canadian response has been successful. It seems, however, that ‘success’ has been defined only as high vaccination rates, as compliance with public health orders, and as reduced mortality from Covid. Further, this narrative of success is being referenced as a model or standard for future policy responses to the developing Covid pandemic in Canada.

This report challenges such a narrative of success. Indeed, Canada’s Covid strategy has included among the most stringent and sustained lockdown policies in the world. In addition to violating many of the Charter rights and freedoms of Canadians, this strategy appears also to have caused serious medical costs and harms. Specifically, this strategy appears to have caused a significant number of excess deaths in Canada from 2020 to the present.

… Excess deaths are on the rise and have been since 2020, indicating that a crisis has been unfolding in Canada since 2020.

… Defining ‘success’ without reference to excess deaths or the vast medical harms experienced by thousands of Canadians would be a mistake.

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