Games of Clones

Mike Stone

Amazingly, it seems that this strive to be a better version of oneself does not stop with humanity. “SARS-COV-2 ” also got the memo that it is time once again to tackle the New Year’s resolution. The task for the little “virus-that-keeps-on-evolving” is to achieve its goal of becoming yet another more infectious version of itself so that it can continue to evade that pesky nuisance referred to as vaccine-induced “immunity.” Otherwise, if the “virus” stays the same and people continue to become ill, we might get the impression that these toxic injections are not effective whatsoever. Thus, it’s a new year and the mainstream media is in full prep mode, hyping up the arrival of a brand new more-infectious “variant” ready to unleash havoc on the boosted, vaccinated, and unvaccinated alike.

In order to get to the heart of this variant scam, the first thing that must be understood is that there is no scientific evidence proving the existence of any entity known as “SARS-COV- 2.” No particles assumed to be the “virus” were ever purified and isolated directly from the fluids of a sick patient and proven pathogenic in a natural way. Instead, a genome for a hypothetical “virus” was assembled by way of computer algorithms from short fragments of RNA coming from the bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid (BALF) of one patient. This was an unpurified mixture containing many host, bacterial, fungal, and other unknown sources of RNA. The genome spit out from this mess served as the sole basis for German virologist Christian Drosten to create his own PCR test. He was able to conjure up a PCR test in a matter of days without having any purified and isolated “virus” on hand and based everything off of reports he saw on social media. Thus, “SARS-COV-2” only exists as fraudulently generated computer code stored in a database with cases spawned by a PCR test designed to detect small fragments of this invalid code.

As there is no purified and isolated “SARS-COV-2” found anywhere in the world, as brilliantly demonstrated by the FOI’s gathered by Christine Massey, there can be no “variants” of an entity that was never scientifically proven to exist in the rst place. So why are we being told about “variants” of a “virus” that does not exist in reality?

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