Canada Health Alliance

Leaked EU-Pfizer Agreement Reveals Cover-up of Bacterial Proteins, Endotoxins, DNA, dsRNA, Other Contaminants and up to 50% Truncated, Modified, Recombined, Junk mRNA in the Vaccine

Vinu Arumugham

Informed consent was impossible. This toxic soup should never have been injected into humans.

Contradicting reports in the BMJ that 70-75% of the mRNA in the vaccine was intact, this agreement shows only 50% of the mRNA was intact per specification. So up to 50% of the mRNA in the shot can be truncated, modified, recombined junk. Such randomly modified mRNA could lead to production of random proteins against which an immune response can be created. The immune system attacking random proteins would result in a wide range of vaccine induced diseases including autoimmunity, allergies, cancer, etc. thus requiring 9 pages to describe Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI).

… The leaked document confirms the presence of bacterial endotoxins in the vaccine. The mRNA vaccines are manufactured using E.coli bacteria. So E. coli proteins and endotoxins contaminate the vaccine.

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