Canada Health Alliance

Magnesium – An Important Nutrient for Heart Health

Joseph Mercola

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body and is involved in more than 600 different biochemical reactions. Research suggests even subclinical deficiency can jeopardize your heart health.

A lack of magnesium will impede your cellular metabolic function and deteriorate mitochondrial function, and magnesium deficiency has been identified as the greatest predictor of heart disease.

Magnesium is also important for chromosome folding, which allows cells to divide, multiply and regenerate to make up for lost or damaged cells.

Check your RBC magnesium level and track signs and symptoms of magnesium insufficiency to determine how much magnesium you need. Low potassium and calcium are also common laboratory signs indicating magnesium deficiency.

To optimize your magnesium level, eat magnesium-rich foods and/or take a magnesium supplement. Taking Epsom salt baths is another effective way to boost your magnesium level

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