Canada Health Alliance

Prenatal Ultrasound – Not So Sound After All

Children’s Health Defense Team

Prenatal ultrasound is a taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care, to such an extent that most obstetrician-gynecologists find it impossible to practice their profession without it … Despite the absence of demonstrated bene ts, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” … including Doppler fetal heart rate monitoring that magnifies the unborn baby’s exposure manyfold.

… Few prospective parents realize that ultrasound technology is not just sound waves but is based on non-ionizing radiation. Other examples of man-made non-ionizing radiation include cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, Wi-Fi and more. Although ionizing radiation (think X-rays) has the reputation of being more powerful, non-ionizing radiation is plenty capable of producing biological effects—including altering and damaging cells.

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