Canada Health Alliance

Simple Nasal Wash ‘Reduces COVID-19 Severity’

Sanjeet Bagcchi

Simple nasal washes with mild saline water can prevent hospitalisation and deaths from COVID-19, if applied twice daily following a positive diagnosis, according to research led by the US-based Augusta University.

Reducing the amount of virus entering the body cuts the severity of the disease, says the study published September in the Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. It found that nasal washes conducted within 24 hours of diagnosis can prevent the virus from entering the lungs and possibly causing permanent or fatal damage to patients.

Amy Baxter, corresponding author of the study affiliated with the department of emergency medicine at Augusta University, says that extra hydration of the sinuses makes them function better. “If you have a contaminant, the more you flush it out, the better you are able to get rid of dirt, viruses and anything else,” she explained.

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