Canada Health Alliance

The Science™ Takes Public Hit As Widespread Misconduct Spotlighted

Jefferey Jaxen

Americans were greeted with the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitting a ‘mistake’ in the pandemic response. Out of the other side of CDC head Walensky’s mouth, she called for a restructuring of the agency.

… No more discriminating against the unvaccinated says new CDC guidance. It’s official now. 

… To many, this admission of failure from the CDC may be their first glimpse into a world in which they were told the science was settled.

… Over the course of the past decade the dominant public health narrative, better known during the Covid era as The Science, has taken a major hit. Dishonored and knocked down a notch by its own arrogance and myopic making.

… At its worst, ‘The Science™’ has been used as an authoritarian hammer wielded by human ignorance fighting for power and control in its many forms.

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