Canada Health Alliance

Trudeau Caught with His Euthanasia Pants down with Assisted Suicide Program

David Krayden

“Justice” Minister David Lametti isĀ putting the brakesĀ on the expansion of his government’s assisted suicide program, known under the euphemism of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Sounds almost innocuous doesn’t it?

Why are Trudeau and Lametti apparently losing their enthusiasm for a program that is fast becoming legalized euthanasia after they announced it would be offered to the mentally ill starting in March 2023? Because too many people are finding out that this program ā€” behind all the clever descriptions, cloying promises and outright lies ā€” is not just dangerous, but a crazy rip-off of Nazi policies from the 1930s.

Adolf Hitler’s euthanasia program, by the way, is the only murderous policy that was dropped by the Nazis because of public opinion. You might think such a thing didn’t exist in Nazi Germany but there was tremendous pushback from families affected by the program and by prominent Catholic and Protestant clergy. Makes you wonder if the Holocaust could have been arrested as well if enough people had cared for the well-being of the Jews.

Lametti claimed his new-found prudence was motivated by a respect for public opinion. Yeah ā€” the kind that can help you lose elections.

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