Canada Health Alliance

Whoa! Calling All Pharmacists to Stop the Shots


… When it comes to these life and death matters (including quality of life and life-long treatment expenses for the vaccine injured) not to mention the mental health of those ordered to actually give the injections, given the reports coming from the field, there must be an extremely high standard of evidence, before further injections can be given.

Imagine a Work To Rule initiative whereby pharmacists unite and declare that between now and World Patient Safety Day on September 17, 2022 they will do all of their regular duties EXCEPT provide COVID-19 related shots and boosters. Let the patients wait, explaining to them that this delay is for their safety.

… To meet the UN’s Global Patient Safety Challenge MEDICATION WITHOUT HARM pharmacists should DEMAND that Health Canada informs them exactly how the “Medication without Harm” Challenge is to be met in Canada – given all of the harms coming from this ONE most politized pharmaceutical product – that ALONE has resulted in at least insanely more harm than all of the other vaccines since the beginning of vaccine reporting systems.

Collectively we need to face the fact that currently Health Canada continues to be FROZEN IN TIME…

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