Canada Health Alliance


Manish Bhatia

Homeopathy recognizes the individuality of each drug and substance in nature. Its method of testing or ‘proving’ drugs upon the healthy human beings is designed and used for the purpose of bringing out the individuality of each drug so that its full power and relations are established.

… As we all have an individuality in health, we also have an individuality in disease. The signs and symptoms of a disease are nothing but the reaction of a person to the disease causing morbific agent or stimulus. Every person reacts to any external agent according to his/her individuality and so a persons individuality is reflected in his/her disease too.

Homeopathy recognizes the individuality of each patient. The entire examination of a patient is conducted with a view to discover not only the common symptoms of a case/disease by which it may be classified diagnostically and pathologically, but the special and particular symptoms which differentiate the case from others of the same general class are sought to find out the individuality of the patient..

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