Canada Health Alliance

Lancet, COVID-19, and the Modeling of Fallcy

David Bell

There is supposed to be a clear line between medical publishing and propaganda. No less so than in the pages of the Lancet, previously been considered a relative bastion of integrity in publishing. Honesty in medical publishing, meaning publication on the basis of transparent rigorous review and impartiality, is of particular importance to medicine and public health. The outcomes of such publications contribute to saving or killing people.

… In 2020 Lancet published an apparently fraudulent study discrediting the use of hydroxychloroquine in the management of COVID-19. 

Last week, Lancet published a modelling study by Oliver Watson and others from Imperial College, funded by, among others, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

… The suggestion by Watson et al. that all-cause mortality can be used as a proxy for COVID-19 also runs foul of the evidence …

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