Canada Health Alliance

Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents

Pierre Kory

[O]f the 32 pregnancies they knew the outcome of, 87.5% resulted in the death of the fetus or neonate. Burying this data in the way and not alerting the world to what they found, is criminal activity yet again. This is what they do and have always done when one of their novel products begins to cause death. It is just these kinds of actions that have resulted in the billions of criminal and civil fines they have paid in the last 20 years alone. They have done this with numerous newly launched medications such as Avandia, Bextra, Vioxx, and let’s not forget oxycodone. Many hundreds of thousands of deaths have resulted with the burying of adverse event and death data around newly launched products until they are caught, pay massive fines, and then carry on doing the same thing.. 

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