Canada Health Alliance

Pfizer, FDA, Dr Walensky Knew Fetuses, Babies Died

Naomi Wolf

Pfizer’s latest-released tranche of internal documents — which the FDA sought a court to keep hidden for 75 years — confirms that Pfizer knew that women who had been “exposed” to the vaccine — including prior to pregnancy – were sustaining spontaneous abortions and miscarriages.

… Pfizer knew perfectly well that it was harming multiple aspects of the reproductive process in women. In its secret documents the company calmly described what it called “fetal poles” with no heartbeats, and amniotic sacs without any fetuses, along with other horrors. The documents make use too of the bizarre phrase “missed abortions”.

Why would you use such a phrase in internal documents unless you are trying to elicit spontaneous abortions or miscarriages?

Image: Christian Bowen @ Unsplash

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