Canada Health Alliance

Pfizer’s ‘Sensitive’ Document Reveals Alarming Facts about Trial Subjects

Sonia Elijah

A particular document that stood out to me in the latest July 1, Pfizer data dump, is the 3611-page document entitled, ‘C4591001-fa-interim-narrative-sensitive.’

It contains pertinent information on hundreds of Pfizer’s clinical trial subjects who whether due to death, serious adverse events, pregnancy, COVID-19 or just ‘no longer meeting eligible criteria,’ were withdrawn from the trial. 

The narrative comment reads ‘In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the cardiac arrest was related to the study intervention of clinical trial procedures, as the death occurred 2 months after receiving Dose 2. Pfizer concurred with the investigator’s causality assessment.’

The conclusion that ‘there was no reasonable possibility’ the vaccine could have caused the fatal cardiac arrest because ‘death occurred 2 months after receiving Dose 2’ is not only presumptuous but also lacks a robust medical assessment. This is evident by the further comment that ‘it was unknown if an autopsy was performed.’ Why was there no follow up or inquiry into whether an autopsy was performed?

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