Canada Health Alliance

The Biotech Tipping Point

Guy Hatchard

… Excess all-cause mortality is rising around the world, especially in countries with high vaccination rates like New Zealand, Australia, and Portugal.

… At what point will people ask why are they constantly falling sick and why are they finding that others are in the same boat? Few people are aware of the rising death rate because the government is not analysing the figures and mainstream media is not asking questions, but it can’t remain hidden forever and in any case its influence will be felt whether we realise the cause or not.

… We still don’t know the full extent or duration of the problems associated with mRNA vaccination. Does it cause cognitive decline or is it increasing cancer rates in the general population? If so, by how much? There is a growing realization that health authorities and governments have pushed these questions aside.

… The search for curative health strategies for those affected adversely by both Covid infection and vaccination will have to involve a multidisciplinary approach that must range outside the comfort zone of modern medicine.

… Will more people adopt such lifestyle changes in their search for better health? It is hard to say how long people will cling to their faith in biotech shots before the truth sinks in that they are only making matters worse.

… If current pandemic policies are continued regardless and genetic medicine continues to be used in defiance of obvious and ballooning safety issues, the tipping point will be passed. The potential outcomes are at best uncertain. If we continue to place our faith in discredited notions, what we remember as normality may no longer be available.

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